Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Open Question: Which teacher should I choose?

I'm really stuck. I've taken a liking to 2 music theory teachers. I actually learned with one b4. She got me through all the music theory required in Canada w/ fairly good marks. My situation is I want to learn how to teach music theory in a short amount of time. I've already gone through 5 courses & I write pop & classical music. I just want to know how to TEACH those 5 courses. All I want is to know "why something is" and if I forgot, "how do I do it". I think I can learn what I need 3-5. I don't want to take too long because I want to work on a diploma in theory. The female teacher says I shouldn't give myself a time limit. Just see how much I can do. She also suggests against doing the diploma b/c it's a waste of time. She herself didn't get her PhD thesis approved (tho I understand) and that's why she says diplomas are a waste of time. But I want one b/c ppl will choose u when they know you have a diploma, rahter than you just "learned how to do it". You actually have to go through many exams & prove yourself! As a person who has taken a diploma, I think there's a huge difference between just "learning it" and actually trying for a diploma. The male teacher has a PhD and he says he can get me thru the 5 courses in 12 weeks. He's ok w/ me doing the diploma; he says it'll take 2 years. He also charges more but he lives closer. I talked to him much longer and he also believes in "lesson plans" and seems to teach difficult concepts to kids very well (using analogies). I didn't get to talk to the female but she's got tons more experience than he does and I know she must have developed some tricks along the way. What should I do? I know this is really long. Thanks for reading & commenting tho!! By the way, I post this here b/c I think music diplomas are way different than other academic diplomas.

Open Question: Which teacher should I choose?

I'm really stuck. I've taken a liking to 2 music theory teachers. I actually learned with one b4. She got me through all the music theory required in Canada w/ fairly good marks. My situation is I want to learn how to teach music theory in a short amount of time. I've already gone through 5 courses & I write pop & classical music. I just want to know how to TEACH those 5 courses. All I want is to know "why something is" and if I forgot, "how do I do it". I think I can learn what I need 3-5. I don't want to take too long because I want to work on a diploma in theory. The female teacher says I shouldn't give myself a time limit. Just see how much I can do. She also suggests against doing the diploma b/c it's a waste of time. She herself didn't get her PhD thesis approved (tho I understand) and that's why she says diplomas are a waste of time. But I want one b/c ppl will choose u when they know you have a diploma, rahter than you just "learned how to do it". You actually have to go through many exams & prove yourself! As a person who has taken a diploma, I think there's a huge difference between just "learning it" and actually trying for a diploma. The male teacher has a PhD and he says he can get me thru the 5 courses in 12 weeks. He's ok w/ me doing the diploma; he says it'll take 2 years. He also charges more but he lives closer. I talked to him much longer and he also believes in "lesson plans" and seems to teach difficult concepts to kids very well (using analogies). I didn't get to talk to the female but she's got tons more experience than he does and I know she must have developed some tricks along the way. What should I do? I know this is really long. Thanks for reading & commenting tho!! By the way, I post this here b/c I think music diplomas are way different than other academic diplomas.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Resolved Question: aspiring singer, advice anyone?

I'm a 16 year old girl and also an aspiring singer and I'm having a little trouble taking off, first off my parents don't believe in me, i would love to be working 100% on my music but i am a junior in high school and that's unrealistic, especially because my parents aren't behind me. Anyways, so i really don't want to go to college especially because most colleges don't offer that major i want to pursue which is contemporary voice, and also my mom wants me to minor in video production (again doesn't believe in me). I'd much rather go to a performing arts school, which there are some that extend to 19 years of age so i could get two years instead of just going my senior year of high school, and then try and make music and work in jobs that give me enough money to survive and also spend time in studios and create some demos. I feel that school will always be there and if needed I can always back and better my education. Also because of all these set backs like my parents and school i can't do anything and i feel restricted in my artistic presentation because as soon as i say i want to do a certain song my parents will tell me i can't because they don't like it or i have to focus on jazz songs for my college auditions (i study jazz, contemporary, classical and piano) I just started performing at this open mic night at a lounge and i do singing competitions with my singing school but non of that gets me anywhere, please help!!! i just want to make a living on my music it really is my passion i just feel stuck! :-( thanks in advanced ok i do take lessons and warm up like i should and i can't go to school for what i want cause very very few colleges have a contemporary voice major and if they do it's out of my families price rang, and i don't want to go to college... i want to go to a performing arts school for like another two years

Friday, February 6, 2009

Resolved Question: If you listen to Classical Music, who is your favorite composer?

I have several favorites. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Berloz, etc. My musical tastes drive other people crazy, because I like a lot of different genre of music--including rock. Whose compositions give you goose pimples or have you humming their music through the day? (Right now the fourth movement of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique is stuck in my head. If you know the music you know that movement is populated by witches. Does this say anything about me?) I see a lot of composers mentioned that I overlooked and a few I will have to become acquainted with. My other musical tastes include Creedence Clearwater Revival, Johnny Horton (one of the all-time BEST country artists), the Animals and--of course--the Beatles. I also like the various efforts by Kris Kristoffersen and Texas' own Willie Nelson--good performing artists, but also prolific music writers. As I grow older I more appreciate that good music does not favor any one genre. You find it in church music, gospel, classical, rock, country and many other kinds of folk and other music. When I was a radio disk jockey--before I landed in the news department--I liked to really mix it up. Some listeners loved it, some hated it. Fortunately we weren't going for Nielsen ratings. Katie, one of the problems with Country is what we see and hear of it does have a "sameness" about it that even country fans don't always like. But there are many kinds of Country. I cited Johnny Horton, who was killed in an auto accident in 1960. I met him about a year before his death. His music was distinctive and had a lot of character. Bluegrass is different from most of today's Pop Country. Johnny Cash did some things that were absolutely brilliant musically. Today's Country artists are too heavy into multi voice tracking and synthesizing music for my tastes. A lot of Country is good down to earth music, but a lot of it is just another form of Pop. You have to take it song by song--not as an entire genre. Oh, and did I mention, you are one very cool kid. Thanks for your good input. (I like Bach and Tchaikovsky, too, of course, but also Mozart. And thanks for mentioning Grieg.) Sibelius, YES! And Vivaldi, too. So many good composers. So much good music. Liszt, Prokofiev, Brahms, Mahler, and more. Such good inputs. It may take me a while to pick a best answer. Let me note here that these Thumbs Downs didn't come from me. I don't know who's throwing them out, but I don't think any of them are deserved. Miss Smiley, Josh Groban's rendering of "You Raise Me Up" is awesome. It isn't quite what I was thinking about in this question, but the song has a lot of merit. I think of it as a gospel song, but I can see it as a pop rendering as well. Thanks for submitting it.

Open Question: If you listen to Classical Music, who is your favorite composer?

I have several favorites. Bach, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Mozart, Berloz, etc. My musical tastes drive other people crazy, because I like a lot of different genre of music--including rock. Whose compositions give you goose pimples or have you humming their music through the day? (Right now the fourth movement of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique is stuck in my head. If you know the music you know that movement is populated by witches. Does this say anything about me?) I see a lot of composers mentioned that I overlooked and a few I will have to become acquainted with. My other musical tastes include Creedence Clearwater Revival, Johnny Horton (one of the all-time BEST country artists), the Animals and--of course--the Beatles. I also like the various efforts by Kris Kristoffersen and Texas' own Willie Nelson--good performing artists, but also prolific music writers. As I grow older I more appreciate that good music does not favor any one genre. You find it in church music, gospel, classical, rock, country and many other kinds of folk and other music. When I was a radio disk jockey--before I landed in the news department--I liked to really mix it up. Some listeners loved it, some hated it. Fortunately we weren't going for Nielsen ratings. Katie, one of the problems with Country is what we see and hear of it does have a "sameness" about it that even country fans don't always like. But there are many kinds of Country. I cited Johnny Horton, who was killed in an auto accident in 1960. I met him about a year before his death. His music was distinctive and had a lot of character. Bluegrass is different from most of today's Pop Country. Johnny Cash did some things that were absolutely brilliant musically. Today's Country artists are too heavy into multi voice tracking and synthesizing music for my tastes. A lot of Country is good down to earth music, but a lot of it is just another form of Pop. You have to take it song by song--not as an entire genre. Oh, and did I mention, you are one very cool kid. Thanks for your good input. (I like Bach and Tchaikovsky, too, of course, but also Mozart. And thanks for mentioning Grieg.) Sibelius, YES! And Vivaldi, too. So many good composers. So much good music. Liszt, Prokofiev, Brahms, Mahler, and more. Such good inputs. It may take me a while to pick a best answer. Let me note here that these Thumbs Downs didn't come from me. I don't know who's throwing them out, but I don't think any of them are deserved. Miss Smiley, Josh Groban's rendering of "You Raise Me Up" is awesome. It isn't quite what I was thinking about in this question, but the song has a lot of merit. I think of it as a gospel song, but I can see it as a pop rendering as well. Thanks for submitting it.

Open Question: I want to be a composition major- but I haven't composed anything yet. What do I need to do?

tl;dr: Why do you have to have composed to apply for undergraduate composition? I haven't composed yet but I want to get in to competitive schools- what do I do? Full version: I'm 16 and have only recently admitted that the only thing I'll really be happy doing is composing. I mean, there are other things I enjoy, but I really connect to music in a powerful way. I know everyone says that, but I don't know...I seem to be more serious about it than my friends, and I'm connecting to more serious music than they are. (I only listen to music that falls under the rubric of 'classical'. Mostly from all over the Baroque but I like music from the ars nova to Arvo Part. It's not a snob thing, it's just what I like.) I'm an early-intermediate pianist. I haven't composed anything yet. In part it's because my theory is only rudimentary, and it's in part because the only places I can work will have people listening and critiquing...people without formal musical training, I might add. I'm working on building up a thick skin to work through it anyway, but I feel very vulnerable when I'm trying to create something artistic -I'm kinda repressed like that- so that slows me down. Also, I'd like to go to college around where I live, and I live in NYC. So far I've been looking Juilliard (who doesn't?) and the Manhattan School of Music. So all the schools I could go to are the schools that everyone wants to go to. I'm homeschooled, so I'd have an edge on the diversity front, but my lack of composition or notable musical endeavors makes me nervous. What should I do to give myself the best possible chances of getting in to a really good composition program? And, though this might sound like a stupid question, what can I do after I get my major? The ideal job for me would be something like a court musician, but that doesn't exist anymore. I don't want to compose for TV shows or anything; I want to compose real music that communicates something meaningful. (I have a whole philosophy I don't feel like getting in to.) I suppose I could try to teach for a while and attempt to save up enough money to support myself while I composed what I wanted to...but seriously, what could I do? alli, Apocalyptica is a metal band. They play on cellos. All my friends are metalheads. I know about metal. I don't like metal. If I wanted to play metal, I would join a band.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Open Question: Mozart and Freemasonry... Part 1?

Hi, I came across an article about Mozart and Freemasonry and I was just wondering what do you think and feel about this. "Freemasonry certainly played a big role in Mozart's work as a composer. Its humanistic ideals may well have added depth of thought and feeling to his compositions." 1 ) Does it reflect in all of his works( piano Sonatas, chamber music, symphonies ), or just only The Magic Flute and Requiem? When you listen, and compare/contrast between a Piano Sonata and The magic Flute, do you hear any similarities?I hear a very Mozartian spirit in ALL his Works, whether they are Fremasonic or not. What about you? Many Scholars suggest that 'The magic Flute' was a reaction against the repressive measures of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa, who was a sworn opponent by it. Her son, Emperor Joseph II took a hard line againts freemasonry and reduce the number of Viennese Lodges. The Scholars believe that Mozart and his librettist Emanuel Schikaneder intended the opera as a kind of advertisement on behalf of Freemasonry. 2) How is The magic flute an advertisement for a Semi-Secret Society such as this?And was any effort made to ban this back in those days? And how do people figure out its indirect meaning if it was suppose to be a secret society? Figaro was suppose to be banned too, wasn't it? The Freemasons used music in their ceremonies, and adopted Rousseau's humanist views on the meaning of music. "The purpose of music in the {Masonic} ceremonies is to spread good thoughts and unity among the members" so that they may "united in the idea of innocence and joy," wrote L.F. Lenz in a contemporary edition of Masonic songs. Music should "inculcate feelings of humanity, wisdom and patience, virtue and honesty, loyalty to friends, and finally an understanding of freedom." These views suggest a musical style quite unlike the style of the Galant, which was dominant at the time. Galant style music was typically melodic with harmonic accompaniment, rather than polyphonic; and the melodic line was often richly ornamented with trills, runs and other virtuosic effects. The style promoted by the Masonic view was much less virtuosic and unornamented. Mozart's style of composition is often referred to as "humanist" and is in accord with this Masonic view of music. 3) When I hear the word " Galant" I often think of CPE Bach. How does Mozart come into the picture? 4) Some Scholars suggest that the character in the vengeful Queen of the Night is meant to be Empress Maria Theresa ! ( In the movie Amadeus -it is is Mother in Law!) while the noble High priest Sarastro is a potrait of Ignaz von Born, a leanred sceintist and Viennese Mason. How true is this?

Resolved Question: What do you think that she was doing?

I attend a music school. The girl in question and I have perfect pitch. Ever since I attended the school, people have always compared us. However, everyone always talked about how I'm such "a great pianist". I never did anything to fuel these conversations, I simply practice and perform at concerts. Once, I had to perform at a concert before she played her instrument, and she rolled her eyes before taking the stage. The girl, usually and quite often, treated me cold the whole time. One semester, we were both taking a composition course and the girl asked me to play the piano part to one of her pieces. I was surprised, but I thought that she had simply decided to be friendly. I agreed to play. She gave me the score and it contained lots of sixteenth notes and grace notes that do not lie under the fingers well (she was not a pianist). I asked her about the tempo of the piece and she said that it was very slow and that I didn't have to worry. Because we were using many of the same instrumentalists, she also requested that we hold our practice at the same time and take turns working on each of our pieces. I agreed to this also. During the rehearsal, she started out conducting at a breakneck speed. I noticed that all of the other instrumentalists had whole notes and I was the only one with faster notes. I could barely keep up, and I'm usually a competent pianist. Every time that I would make a mistake, she would look at me with an evil look and then look at her friends with a smirk. She then began to conduct even faster, almost to the point where it fell apart. She would call out every note that I missed (as if she had perfect pitch and I didn't - we BOTH do.) Her presence and her attitude made me so nervous that I missed even more notes because she stood extremely close to me and look over my shoulder as I practiced and announced my mistakes before taking her score away. In addition, she used up all of the rehearsal time, which she said that we would share, so that none of the instrumentalists had time to practice my piece. Afterward, she sneaked and told the teacher of the class that I did not do well in rehearsal and that she couldn't use me as a pianist. On top of that, she boldly stood in the practice room and called out every note that I missed and then asked for her piece back. As a competent musician, I have never been through such an ordeal. What do you think that she was trying to prove by purposefully making me appear to be incompetent?

Open Question: What do you think that she was doing?

I attend a music school. The girl in question and I have perfect pitch. Ever since I attended the school, people have always compared us. However, everyone always talked about how I'm such "a great pianist". I never did anything to fuel these conversations, I simply practice and perform at concerts. Once, I had to perform at a concert before she played her instrument, and she rolled her eyes before taking the stage. The girl, usually and quite often, treated me cold the whole time. One semester, we were both taking a composition course and the girl asked me to play the piano part to one of her pieces. I was surprised, but I thought that she had simply decided to be friendly. I agreed to play. She gave me the score and it contained lots of sixteenth notes and grace notes that do not lie under the fingers well (she was not a pianist). I asked her about the tempo of the piece and she said that it was very slow and that I didn't have to worry. Because we were using many of the same instrumentalists, she also requested that we hold our practice at the same time and take turns working on each of our pieces. I agreed to this also. During the rehearsal, she started out conducting at a breakneck speed. I noticed that all of the other instrumentalists had whole notes and I was the only one with faster notes. I could barely keep up, and I'm usually a competent pianist. Every time that I would make a mistake, she would look at me with an evil look and then look at her friends with a smirk. She then began to conduct even faster, almost to the point where it fell apart. She would call out every note that I missed (as if she had perfect pitch and I didn't - we BOTH do.) Her presence and her attitude made me so nervous that I missed even more notes because she stood extremely close to me and look over my shoulder as I practiced and announced my mistakes before taking her score away. In addition, she used up all of the rehearsal time, which she said that we would share, so that none of the instrumentalists had time to practice my piece. Afterward, she sneaked and told the teacher of the class that I did not do well in rehearsal and that she couldn't use me as a pianist. On top of that, she boldly stood in the practice room and called out every note that I missed and then asked for her piece back. As a competent musician, I have never been through such an ordeal. What do you think that she was trying to prove by purposefully making me appear to be incompetent?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Open Question: aspiring singer, advice anyone?

I'm a 16 year old girl and also an aspiring singer and I'm having a little trouble taking off, first off my parents don't believe in me, i would love to be working 100% on my music but i am a junior in high school and that's unrealistic, especially because my parents aren't behind me. Anyways, so i really don't want to go to college especially because most colleges don't offer that major i want to pursue which is contemporary voice, and also my mom wants me to minor in video production (again doesn't believe in me). I'd much rather go to a performing arts school, which there are some that extend to 19 years of age so i could get two years instead of just going my senior year of high school, and then try and make music and work in jobs that give me enough money to survive and also spend time in studios and create some demos. I feel that school will always be there and if needed I can always back and better my education. Also because of all these set backs like my parents and school i can't do anything and i feel restricted in my artistic presentation because as soon as i say i want to do a certain song my parents will tell me i can't because they don't like it or i have to focus on jazz songs for my college auditions (i study jazz, contemporary, classical and piano) I just started performing at this open mic night at a lounge and i do singing competitions with my singing school but non of that gets me anywhere, please help!!! i just want to make a living on my music it really is my passion i just feel stuck! :-( thanks in advanced ok i do take lessons and warm up like i should and i can't go to school for what i want cause very very few colleges have a contemporary voice major and if they do it's out of my families price rang, and i don't want to go to college... i want to go to a performing arts school for like another two years

Resolved Question: harry potter syndrome...help?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Open Question: Do you know any good music...?

... that I don't know already? It can be from any time period, any genre. Links to Youtube or some other site would be most appreciated. BA will definitely go to the person with the best music and most links. I'm mostly into progressive rock, jazz, and classical but anything you think is good is fine. But please, no obvious shit that everyone has heard, don't give me the whole fucking alternative rock list you answer every question with, I want some stuff that has some depth. No obscure emo bands either, they suck even more than the mainstream ones. lubethe... I know all those except The Flock and Dreams, links for those would be cool, if not I'll check them out at some point. Anything else you would want to recommend is cool too. Hey Shred, yeah I think I remember hearing Jesse Cook from an earlier post of yours. He's a great guitarist but not really my type of music. Closer to Madness is pretty sweet though. Lily I don't think all music that people term "alternative rock" has no depth, it's just that people have that stock list they always regurgitate... which has pretty good stuff but also includes stuff like MCR and Fall Out Boy and shit, as though they are on the same level as the best of grunge and whatnot. I like Soundgarden, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queens of the Stone Age, Muse, Tool etc. but I don't really think of these bands as alternative rock anyway. Hey Darth, I like some metal, I'm not really into power metal though, and the power metal I do like is more prog metal anyway (Symphony X, Kamelot) but any bands you want to throw down would be cool. My favorite metal bands are Dream Theater, Tool, Metallica, Death, Cynic, Opeth, Isis, Black Sabbath, if that gives you any idea. Hey Libby I have various Henry Cow songs but no full albums, I really should get them in their entirety because they are really good. I've heard a little bit of Ange but none of those other French symphonic bands, I'll have to scrounge through them sometime. I hope that's not the end of the prog section though! :P But it probably is. We'll just have to wait for the explosion of great new prog bands that will inevitably come in 2012 I guess. :P Hans, that piece was pretty good. It had some pretty intense moments and I like the spacey ending with that xylophone looking instrument. Thanks everyone else for your answers too btw.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Resolved Question: is this badly similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Resolved Question: adagios....they pull at your heart....u think?

ahhhhhh!!! its very clear... what do u feel when u listen to adagios....overwhelming emotion?? Try not to romanticize music...u must be kidding.... listen naturally...for me its completely natural to feel music...dont u?? wow... haha..u are right about it being a tempo indication....but it also conveys a mood....tell me if u know of any adagios that sound happy and peppy.....like vivance conveys not only tempo but also a mood...Vivace is Italian for "quick and lively"... In musical terminology, tempo (Italian for time, movement) is the speed or pace of a given piece. It is an extremely crucial element of composition, as it can affect the mood and difficulty of a piece.(wikipedia)....unlike BPM.... Generally, composers (or music publishers) will name movements of compositions after their tempo (and/or mood) marking. For instance the second movement of Samuel Barber's first String Quartet is an "Adagio". (wiki) Beethovens nineth, third movement...has more of a feeling of grace than happiness or ecstacy....anyway...it is pointless to argue about interpretations and emotions as they are extremely subjective...one may cry while one may smile....so lets just drop it...its like splitting hair... and u telling people how to listen to music is just absurd.... minor key--sad....nonsense...hahah.... 3000 cds...good for u.... infact...no one piece of music continues to remain with the same mood...every section of the piece changes the mood...every chord and chord progression conveys a different mood...and i bet that the mood u experience while u listen to the piece is not the same as the composer intended and felt at the time...in fact...each time u listen to a piece...the way u listen to it changes....you never experience it the same way.... dont pretend like u know me and the way i listen to music... hahaha...source....doesnt matter...go answer another question...anyway..thanks for your time...enjoy your cds...i'm gonna go watch titanic....hahah ok...come on...lets stop being childish...lets agree to disagree...and end this on a good NOTE....a 'G'... allright?? none of this really matters right.... hahah....lets go our own ways...ok....good luck.... bye... i apologize for being a di - k ....

Resolved Question: is this idea badly similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Monday, February 2, 2009

Open Question: adagios....they pull at your heart....u think?

ahhhhhh!!! its very clear... what do u feel when u listen to adagios....overwhelming emotion?? Try not to romanticize music...u must be kidding.... listen naturally...for me its completely natural to feel music...dont u?? wow... haha..u are right about it being a tempo indication....but it also conveys a mood....tell me if u know of any adagios that sound happy and peppy.....like vivance conveys not only tempo but also a mood...Vivace is Italian for "quick and lively"... In musical terminology, tempo (Italian for time, movement) is the speed or pace of a given piece. It is an extremely crucial element of composition, as it can affect the mood and difficulty of a piece.(wikipedia)....unlike BPM.... Generally, composers (or music publishers) will name movements of compositions after their tempo (and/or mood) marking. For instance the second movement of Samuel Barber's first String Quartet is an "Adagio". (wiki) Beethovens nineth, third movement...has more of a feeling of grace than happiness or ecstacy....anyway...it is pointless to argue about interpretations and emotions as they are extremely subjective...one may cry while one may smile....so lets just drop it...its like splitting hair... and u telling people how to listen to music is just absurd.... minor key--sad....nonsense...hahah.... 3000 cds...good for u.... infact...no one piece of music continues to remain with the same mood...every section of the piece changes the mood...every chord and chord progression conveys a different mood...and i bet that the mood u experience while u listen to the piece is not the same as the composer intended and felt at the time...in fact...each time u listen to a piece...the way u listen to it changes....you never experience it the same way.... dont pretend like u know me and the way i listen to music... hahaha...source....doesnt matter...go answer another question...anyway..thanks for your time...enjoy your cds...i'm gonna go watch titanic....hahah ok...come on...lets stop being childish...lets agree to disagree...and end this on a good NOTE....a 'G'... allright?? none of this really matters right.... hahah....lets go our own ways...ok....good luck.... bye... i apologize for being a di - k ....

Open Question: harry potter syndrome...help?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Resolved Question: do you think this series is similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Open Question: is this badly similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Open Question: is this idea badly similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Open Question: do you think this series is similar to harry potter?

i've a feeling that my new story is horridly similar to harry potter ...here are the synopsis read and tell me what do u think? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled .....

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Resolved Question: is this idea similar to harry potter?

i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Open Question: is this idea similar to harry potter?

i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Resolved Question: is this book worth publishing?

Is this idea similar to harry potter? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Open Question: R U going out tonight? Or will icy winds keep you in? Plans for this wintry weekend? Share ya what's on sites?

Have you seen:- http://www.VisitLiverpool.com http://www.VisitBlackpool.com http://www.VisitSouthport.com http://www.VisitChester.com http://www.VisitManchester.com How @ whats on in the Lake District ?? What's On - Cumbria the Lake District, everything about Cumbria ... Cumbria - The Lake District from Cumbria Tourist Board. Where to stay in Cumbria the lake District. http://www.cumbria-the-lake-district.co.uk/whats%20on.html - 10k What's On Windermere - Cumbria the Lake District, everything about ... Brockhole - Lake District Visitor Centre Type: What's On Town: Windermere Description: Visitor centre with interactive exhibitions, Mawson gardens, ... http://www.cumbria-the-lake-district.co.uk/whats%20on-windermere.html - 9k How @ whats on in the Peak District ?? Peak District and Derbyshire - Official Tourist Information for ... Peak District and Derbyshire - What's On and Events Peak District & Derbyshire - What's On, events, festivals, fairs, music, drama, rock, pop, jazz, opera, classical, theatre, shows, comedy, entertainment, http://www.visitpeakdistrict.com/events/default.aspx - 17k How @ whats on in North Wales ?? Entertainment, whats on & leisure activities in North Wales ... Check out the latest entertainment and leisure activities in North Wales. Find out whats on in Bangor, Wrexham, Llandudno, Anglesey and across North Wales. http://www.dailypost.co.uk/leisure/ - 49k How @ whats on in Yorkshire ?? digyorkshire â€" what’s on guide to Yorkshire Yorkshire's what’s on guide for arts, entertainment, and culture. The place to find things to do and places to go. Read reviews and previews, ... http://www.digyorkshire.com/ - 32k Wanna link events/gigs/films/shows etc in your area? WOW This 82-minute video re-enacts when Ian McKormack was stung to death by highly lethal box jellyfish & was raised from the dead:- http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=3682855866783766146&q=ian+mccormack&total=70&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0 Here's links to his story in writing, as he'll be telling it, live, 7.30pm @ City Church, Jubilee Drive, Kensington, opp Kensington Medical Centre, Liverpool http://www.multimap.co.uk One night while diving for lobster on the small Island of Mauritius I was stung on my forearm by 5 Box-Jellyfish, which the local Creole fishermen called "invisables" A sting from a Box-Jellyfish often proves to be fatal - as exemplified in Australia where 70 people are known to have died from their stings Many books quote this particular type of Jellyfish to be among the most venomous creatures in the world. By the time an ambulance arrived my body was totally paralyzed and necrosis had begun to set into my bone marrow. On route to the hospital I began to see my life flash before me At this point of my life I was an atheist - but I knew I was nearly dead and I didn't know if there was life after death or whether there was just nothing As I lay there dying, I saw my mother in a vision praying for me, encouraging me to cry out to God from my heart and He would hear me and forgive me (my mother was the only Christian in our family.) I didn't know what to pray and cried out I didn't know what to pray and cried out that if God was real, could He help me to pray Immediately God showed me the Lord's Prayer, and for the first time in my life I prayed from my heart and gave my life to the Lord. Death & Hell The ambulance stopped and they placed me in a wheel chair and raced me into the hospital The nurse took my blood pressure twice but could not find a pulse as my veins had collapsed The doctors tried to save my life by injecting anti-toxins and dextrose into my body, but seemingly to no avail Within a few minutes I seemed to slip away (apparently life ceased from my body for a period of approx. 15 minutes). During this time I found myself in a very dark place, not realising where I was. So I tried to find a light switch, thinking I was still in the hospital - but as I reached out into the dark I couldn't touch anything Reaching to touch my face I found my hand go straight through it. It seemed so bizarre, as I knew I was standing I knew I was standing there but couldn't touch any part of my physical body. As I stood there I began to sense that this wasn't just a physical darkness but that there was something else there I could feel a cold eerie feeling as though something or someone was looking at me - a spiritual darkness From the darkness I began to hear men's voices screaming at me telling me to "shut up" - "that I deserved to be there" - "that I was in Hell" I couldn't believe it, but as I stood there a radiant beam of light shone through the darkness and immediately began to lift me upward I found myself being translated up into an incredibly brilliant beam of pure white light - it seemed to be emanating from a circular opening far above me (I felt like a speck of dust being drawn up into a beam of sunlight). The Journey I entered this opening to find myself inside a long narrow passageway or tunnel - at the far end of the tunnel I could see the source of the light - it was so radiant the light - it was so radiant that it looked to be the centre of the universe As I continued to look towards this light it seemed to draw me towards it at an incredible speed - I wasn't walking but was being translated along this tunnel towards the source of this light I watched as a wave of light broke off the source and moved up the tunnel towards me - as it passed through me I could feel a wave of warmth and comfort flood my soul ... it was incredible This light wasn't just physical, but was giving off a living emotion ... Halfway down another wave of light - this time it gave off pure peace - followed by another wave - of pure joy Coming out of the end of this tunnel I found myself standing in the presence of awesome light and power - it seemed as though even the constellations in the universe must find their energy source from this focal point As I stood there I wondered to myself if this was just an energy source in the universe or if perhaps there could be .. could be someone standing in the midst of this light!! A voice immediately responded to my thought and asked me "Ian, do you wish to return?" Return, I thought! Where am I? As I looked over my shoulder I could see the tunnel going back into darkness The Light I thought - darkness - hospital bed - am I out of my body? - is this real? - am I standing here? - or am I in a coma having some bizarre dream? Am I in my body or out of my body?? (I could cognitively think of the two alternatives.) As I looked back towards the light, it was still there I responded "I don't know where I am, but if I am out of my physical body I wish to return." The voice responded "If you wish to return - you must see in a new light." "New light", I thought, "I'm seeing the light." "Are you the true light???" Words appeared in front of me "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5)." I had never read a Bible before in my life so I didn't know this was straight out of .. didn't know this was straight out of the scriptures. God is light, I thought - that is pure light - I see no darkness here, I have just come from darkness - I see no evil, no shadows - this is pure light - am I standing in the presence of God?? He knows my name and I didn't tell Him, only God could do that - He knows what I am thinking before I even speak, only God could do that Then he must be able to see everything I have done wrong in my life ... no ... I don't want God to see that I felt totally exposed and wanted to move away from the light and go back into the darkness where I belonged I thought someone had made a mistake and brought the wrong person up As I drew back towards the darkness a wave of light swept through me ... I felt pure unadulterated Love flow over me Love I thought, how could God love me - I've taken his name in vain - I've slept around - I'm not a good man ... but no matter what I said, waves of His unconditional Love continued to flow His unconditional Love continued to flow over me. I found myself weeping uncontrollably in His Presence It was so amazing that He had totally forgiven me and accepted me as I was. The waves of Love ceased and I wondered if I could possibly step into the light and see what God looked like. I was so close. ... I asked if I could step in. ..?? I heard no response but thought if God could love me so much, He wouldn't mind ... As I stepped into the light I found myself disappear into it as it was so radiant - it had the intensity of laser light, yet you could look directly at it The light seemed to absorb me into it - the centre seemed to be very bright so I aimed for it I could feel a healing presence coming off this light that was healing my broken heart ... it was touching me deep inside my heart of hearts where no one gets to see ... so beautiful. God Suddenly it opened up in the centre and standing in front of me was the most awesome sight - I could see a man I could see a man standing in front of me, but he was not like anyone I'd ever seen before in my life His garments were shimmering white in colour - garments of light - I could see His bare feet and His hands were outstretched towards me as if to welcome me I knew I was looking upon God ... as I looked toward His face the intensity of the light seemed to increase 7-fold - you couldn't make out the form of his face as the light was so bright - such purity, such holiness, such beauty. I asked God if I could step closer. I felt I could, I wanted to see His face Moving closer waves of more Love began to flow towards me, and I felt very safe Standing, now feet away, from the Lord I tried to see His face - but I didn't know that no man can see the face of God and live And so, as I moved my face into the radiance that surrounded His face, He moved - and all His Glory moved with Him Directly behind Him it opened out into a brand new World - green pastures, a crystal clear stream a crystal clear stream, rolling green hills to my right, mountains in the distance, blue skies above, to my left fields interspersed with trees and flowers As I looked at the grass in front of me I could see the same light that was on the presence of God was radiating throughout this entire creation - totally untouched by man - perfect creation And in my heart I knew I belonged here, that God had created me to live here - I knew I was home. Return? I was just about to enter in and explore, when God stepped back in front of me, and asked me this question. "Now that you have seen - do you wish to step in or do you wish to return?" I thought, "I don't want to return. I wish to step in. I have no one to go back for and no one has ever loved me, all they've ever done is manipulate me and try to control me ... I have no one to go back for, I wish to step in." But God didn't move, so I looked back behind me to say "goodbye, cruel world", and standing behind me in a vision standing behind me in a vision in front of the tunnel was my mother And as soon as I saw her I knew that there was one person in my life that had shown me love, and that was my mother, and that she had prayed for me every day and tried to show me that this was the way In my mind I thought, "if I am dead and I did choose to step into heaven, what would my mother think? Would she know I made it or would she think I went to Hell - because she knew I had no Faith? I realised that it could break her heart and that she would have no reason to believe that God had heard my prayer in the ambulance and forgiven my sins. I thought, "how can I do that to my mum, it would be so selfish" and decided I wished to return. God then spoke and said to me, "If you wish to return - you must see things in a new light." I understood that to mean that I must begin to see through his eyes of Love, Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, from His Heavenly perspective, not my temporary earthly perspective Looking back towards the tunnel again I now could see a vision of all my family, and thousands and thousands of other people I asked God who all these people were, and He told me that if I didn't return then many of these people would not get a chance to hear about Him. I told God that I didn't know most of them and I didn't love them, but that I loved my mother and wished to return for her God spoke to me and told me that He loved those people and wanted them all to come to know Him. I asked God how could I possibly return back down the tunnel and back into my hospital bed He spoke and said "Son, tilt your head, now feel the liquid drain from your eye. Now open your eye and see." And I was immediately back in my physical body. Back to earth As I opened my eye, I was lying back on a hospital bed with my right leg elevated, cupped in the hands of the young Indian doctor who had been trying to save my life He had a scalpel or some sharp instrument in his hand and he was prodding the base of my foot like a dead piece of meat He wasn't aware that I was looking at him. I thought, "what's that man doing with my foot, what is he doing with that knife!!" At the same time something seemed to spook the doctor and he quickly turned his head to see my right eye open, looking at him.. Terror struck his face and I got the distinct impression that he has just seen a dead man looking at him My eye wasn't moving much and I could see the doctor thinking to himself that perhaps he had hit a nerve in my foot and caused the corpse to twitch, and that he had the evil eye looking at him or something As for me, I was trying to grapple with what I had just seen. ... Did I just see God, has He just given my life back?? As I lay there I heard the voice of God say "Son, I have just given you your life back." I said if that is true God, could you help me to tilt my head to the left and look out of the other eye, as I was getting sick of looking I was getting sick of looking at the doctor's terrified face Strength came back into my neck and I opened my left eye to see a whole bunch of nurses and orderlies standing in the doorway looking at me as if the dead had just risen ... As my eye locked onto theirs they began to jump backwards out of the doorway From what I can ascertain I had been dead for a period of some 15 minutes I prayed to God that night and asked him to heal me and enable me to walk out of the hospital That night God completely healed me and enabled me to walk out of the hospital the next day. I asked God what I had become, as I found my entire life was changing for good God told me I was a Re-Born Christian and that he wanted me to read His Bible I had never read a Bible and had never heard about being Born-Again Over the next 6 weeks I read the entire Bible I have never been the same, and believe that I saw our Lord Jesus Christ in His Glorified form (Rev. 1 : 13 -18) Links >> You can also listen to Ian's true life account online This lasts nearly 1.5 hours, and is available as twelve mp3 files Navigate to the following site and left-click on the first MP3 file to begin listening. Listen to Ian's true life story. http://www.raised-from-the-dead.org.uk/accounts/m/mccormack-ian-s1-all.php Hi Buffy! Where are you goin? I do hope that the icy winds don't blow you off course - or freeze you to the spot LOL

Resolved Question: for all harry potter lovers..is this idea original?

Is this idea similar to harry potter? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it) 20 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Open Question: i'm 16 and need your opinion please..?

i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... the second idea is also about victor greene a boy who finds out that he can do magic with equations,but one day a man summons him and gives him the post of a secret private detective across many magical worlds,and victor has to unsolve great mysteries,and cases along the way. which's better?? (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Open Question: which idea graps attention more?

i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... the second idea is also about victor greene a boy who finds out that he can do magic with equations,but one day a man summons him and gives him the post of a secret private detective across many magical worlds,and victor has to unsolve great mysteries,and cases along the way. which's better?? (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Open Question: Warner Music Group making false claims, wrecking the site, and taking all the fun out of YouTube?

I'm furious. and yes, i have asked many questions about youtube & copyright before. But there's something on that site that really, really has gotten me ticked off, and is the big red cherry on top of all of youtube's problems- warnermusicgroup. ok, so here's the story: Since December (around christmas time) warnermusicgroup came up with a plan and decided to make a deal with youtube and promote their site to benifit them. and unfortunatally, gulible youtube falls for it. I knew from the start that this was not good move that youtube made. and now, as it turns out, WMG now has complete power over their site. meaning, they file complaints on any video they see with audio content "just because." and they even take credit for it that it's their video, when it's not. here's an example: Slipknot- Psychosocial. i click on the thumbnail, and a big red banner comes up across the screen saying "this video is no longer availible do to a copyright claim by WMG."saying "a copyright claim by WMG" is a flat out lie. since when did warnermusicgroup become the boss over roadrunnerrecords? hmmm...last time i checked a Slipknot CD i didn't see any label on it that said "belongs to warnermusicgroup." i only saw a red label that had roadrunnerrecords written on it, which are the true rightful owners of that content. Roadrunnerrecords uploaded those videos themselves in their own interest, warnermusicgroup has no right to claim that it's their's. the Slipknot vids were a smash hit to both RRR and youtube. but now, nobody can see they're sucess thanks to our good friends at warner. I want to know, how is this in any way "benifiting" youtube? youtube isn't benifiting anything, warnermusicgroup is destroying it. There are already hundreds of thousands of unfixed problems on youtube already, and as far as I'm concerned, WMG isn't helping. They're just making it worse. Now it's almost impossible to upload something with a song. even if it's something just as simple as "happy birthday to you." now don't be telling me "you need permission to upload a copyrighted song on youtube or else it's illegal....eeeheheheheh kiss my @$$. I've seen that answer litterally millions of times. warner is just using that as an excuse to take away videos. again, how is this benifiting youtube? HELLO????!!!!! it's not!!! if the people of youtube don't like what warner is doing, how is it benifiting their site? does warnermusicgroup not know how much hate videos they are getting? i have seen about 500 videos already of slideshows with big middle fingers pointing at WMG. Warner are just a bunch of greedy pricks that only care about money. and really, they are just scamming youtube out of business. I guess they really want us to use audioswap, since only crappy songs are on there. i guess that's why those songs are in audioswap=/. audioswap is just classical, country, and jibberish crap that no one f**kin listens to anymore. WMG blows. they seriously need to tear that deal up and just throw it in the fireplace already and let everyone piss on it. okay, maybe i went too far, but my point is, WMG are just f**king youtube up. badley. i really do think this has gone out of control, if WMG is taking over youtube's site, why don't they just call themselves WarnerTube or something.

Open Question: White Goth Wedding...?

I've always had a thing for the dramatic and after I chose my dress and my girl's chose their dresses, I realized the contrast between my stark white and their jewel tone indigo and bordeaux. So I began to read several articles on Billy Martin's wedding and after listening to the score on Corpse Bride decided that I wanted my wedding to have an dark, ethereal feel to it. The Maid of Honor: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/susy-1.jpg The Bridesmaids: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/sujeiry-1.jpg http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/Merari.jpg http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/MAry-1.jpg {If their chest are bare they will have an amulet necklace and all parties will have jeweled chandelier earrings} such as these fom 1928 Jewelry {these are also the colors}: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/df84_1.jpg http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/9697_2-1.jpg And my dress and veil: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/bcv1.jpg http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/bride.jpg http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/trans5.jpg I'm detailed I know!! I plan to do most things myself. This is the church and the ceremony area {Both already finished but no new pics, sorry}: http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h128/LaViollete/church1.jpg I didn't take a picture of the reception area but its white with tulle and christmas lights hanging fom the cieling, we can dim the lights and the tables are round. So after this long introduction, now to my question. I would like an ethereal ceremony and reception with everything white. I am planning to use music scores by some Tim Burton movie's and the Twilight score including Bella's lullaby as well as classical music played throughout the reception. I just need some advice and tips on how to incorporate a ghostly, dark mood into the pure white wedding and reception since I want no color except for the bridesmaids. I would appreciate answers and just in case I am in no way goth nor am pretending to be, I'm just an overly dramatic, over the top young woman who wants to have a beautiful wedding. Thanks in advance for your kind answers...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Open Question: is this book worth publishing?

Is this idea similar to harry potter? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it)

Open Question: for all harry potter lovers..is this idea original?

Is this idea similar to harry potter? i'm writing a series called ravens'head.It's about 12 yrs old victor greene,a carefree young chap who spends half of his day working as a butcher boy to pay for the rent of the house,since his father is mysteriously away all the time.But one day he finds his mother poisoned (a suicidal note was beside her).And when he mentioned his father the authorities told him that elliot greene had officialy died in a car acciedent 2 years ago.Now,after being thrown on the streets of london,unable to pay the rent of the hovel.victor is summoned by a mysterious man driving a carriage to ravens'head orphanage....in a secret street in cornwell the huge orphange stands,inside the ophanage vicotr finds out that everything is done through magical equations that are written on magnifying lenses.Victor learns magic math along with the other orphans,and at night he sleeps on the classical music played by an orchestra of centaurs and bugled out through huge speaker all over the place.But one day victor finds out from noah(a werebear working in the orphanage's cafe)the deadly secrets that brought victor into the orphanage ,also he tells him of godnofer the owner of the orphanage who's entranced by a magical equation in one of the secret rooms in the orphanage for 30 years.But noah tells victor of godnofer's biggest plan,that will make of all ravens'head orphans his followers.But first of all he has to wake up from his trance and the only one that would be able to do so is victor himself,he'll have to wake up his enemy....but victor won't go alone ,sylvia victor's new love interest an friend follows him everywhere to make sure that he's ok....along the 4 books series victor uncovers secrets of his father,mother,and origin...And above all he finds that his father is alive and he's on the dark side along with godnofer.....the secret of his mother's poisoning ,and the deadly magical equations all will be unraveled ..... (i'm 16,and i write better than these synopsis...do u like the idea ...is it original?would it make a nice series??)(actualy i love it) 20 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Resolved Question: Do you think I'm weird?

I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Open Question: Do you think I'm weird?

I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death.

Open Question: Maria Callas, Leontyne Price, Birgit Nilsson, Pavarotti etc... a thing of the past?

Hi everyone. Sorry, this question may be too long. I have a question that has been hanging around in my mind for some time now. Perhaps this question has been asked before. I wanna ask if you think the great singers of the opera heyday, such as Maria Callas, Joan Sutherland, Leontyne Price, Birgit Nilsson, Kirsten Flagstad, Marian Anderson, Pavarotti etc, are all really just a thing of the past & that there will be no singers today who can achieve the same quality & legendary status like them? It's interesting to notice that many opera lovers often say how they miss the great singers of the old age, citing that there will be no more talents like them today. And I often hear complaints regarding the opera world today which tends to focus more on external looks rather than talents, thus we see less and less talents on the opera stage, replaced by average/mediocre singers in first rate bodies. I personally believe that there are a lot of singers today whose talents can match those legendary singers. Eventhough Callas-Sutherland-Pavarotti-Price-etc are all amazing talents that should be placed in a special class by themselves, I don’t necessarily think they are THE ONLY singers who have that special talent. I’m sure there are many singers out there who are just as good as them, but they rarely/never get to perform because of their looks. But what I want to ask is this: do you think we can ever have (again) that “opera heyday” in the modern world, with great singers whose talents equally match those singers of the past? Do you think the pendulum will swing back in favour of these amaing-but-less-attractive singers? Or do you personally believe that the “opera golden years” have officially OVER for good, and that modern opera world will never ever achieve the same glorious days like in the past? Tell me what you think! And thanks in advance. =) p.s. sorry for my lack of knowledge. I’m still relatively new to opera.

Open Question: Girls, do you think I'm weird?

I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Open Question: Why do most girls hate me?

I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death.

Open Question: What could my violin teacher be thinking?

I've been with her for about 8 months and have been playing a year she's been playing since she was a kid,is in the topeka symphony shes been teaching for some time now and i can tell she has a lot of students too I first started out with volume 1 of muler rusch book http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/store/smp_inside.html?item=273436&cart=3441700157256531&type=image&page=01&cm_re=detail-_-lookInside-_-thumbnail: When i got done with it i began sight reading and took tape of violin and started on this book http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/store/smp_inside.html?item=1429844&cart=3441700157256531&type=image&page=01&cm_re=detail-_-lookInside-_-thumbnail:inside in it we're now doing spiccatto staccato marcatto dotted quarter notes and so on heres a example of what i'm doing now building technique book http://s129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/spend782/?action=view¤t=100_2968.jpg along with that she gave me a binder that has two other books we go in and out of one that has third position and the other that has odd rhythmic patterns it's the most challenging but also my favorite heres a picture of a piece i just got done with http://s129.photobucket.com/albums/p224/spend782/?action=view¤t=100_2961.jpg my teacher said it was hard but i did a a good job on it but now she said we're going to take a break on that book and focus on this one http://www.sheetmusicplus.com/store/smp_inside.html?item=386788&cart=3441700157256531&page=cover&cm_re=detail-_-lookInside-_-cover+text+link she says ppl who have been playing 2-4 years are in this book and i know it's the 2nd volume of the three but i find that hard to believe since it looks simple it looks like what i'm already doing in the building technique with beautiful music book so i'm a little confused as to what she's thinking and then after the pink book we're going to start suzuki book 1 idk what do you think?

Resolved Question: Why do girls call me weird?

I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death. LOL probably that's the reason.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Open Question: Do you think I'm weird for an 19y/o?

http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh116/89murph/DSC02569.jpg I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death. Half of these things even sound stupid to me, but that is what I see in day-to-day life. I'm not religious, to those who like to make quick judgments. I am not bothered about the virginity thing to be honest.

Open Question: [PIC] Why am I so weird? Should I change myself?

http://i254.photobucket.com/albums/hh116/89murph/DSC02569.jpg I'm an 19 y/o virgin guy (haha funny ain't it). I've never had a girlfriend, kissed etc. People say I'm attractive (I know I'm not otherwise I would have a girlfriend) shy, quiet (Not very), nice etc. Not many girls talk to me probably because I'm ugly and quiet. I need plastic surgery; although people say no there isn't anything wrong with me, there must be otherwise I would have girlfriend by now. I'm not a pervert or jerk, so I don't understand. I would never cheat if I had a girlfriend, I'm not a jerk. I'm not even after sex, I just want to have a girlfriend. I don't drink nor smoke. I shower daily, I dress up to date (yeah my fashion sense is good). This is why I know I'm ugly because everything else I do seems ok (probably not though). I'm not going to become a jerk just to get a girlfriend. Well basically, I'm a loner. I don't go out much because people probably laugh at me, because I'm so ugly. Like "look at him he's ugly!". No one has said that but that is what they probably think. It could be because I listen to classical music, girls don't like freaks. Maybe I should give up, I don't really see why any woman/girl would want to be with such a fool like me? Confidence just makes you an arrogant, self-loving prick who can get his way into anything, I'm not like that and I don't want to be. I'm not loving myself; I really don't care about my own welfare to be honest. I don't like clubs or bars because I don't drink.There isn't a purpose to my life. My mother should have aborted me, I wouldn't have raised a loser like me with a heart condition. It ain't that serious but I have a shorter life span up to about 50 y/o if I don't have operation and I have a very high risk of sudden death. Half of these things even sound stupid to me, but that is what I see in day-to-day life. I'm not religious, to those who like to make quick judgments. I am not bothered about the virginity thing to be honest. I post this question a lot, because most people tend to lie to me. I am ugly, so I can't believe you when you say I'm not.