Sunday, December 14, 2008

Open Question: Spiritually speaking why do people still deny ancient egypt was black ?

god. Just because they belived in numerous gods dosen't mean anything this was before the Lord let everyone know he wanted to be known as the lord. Egypt was a black civilization any other statement is nothing but a Eurocentric lie. DonĂ¢€™t give me that a mummy was found with red hair myth it has been debunked ( ) This genetically proved Egypt was black and it was done by white anthropologist ( ) Does Imhotep look like a white or Arab to you ? . Linguistic Unity With Southern and Western Africa In a detailed study of languages, Diop clearly demonstrates that Ancient Egyptian, modern Coptic of Egypt and Walaf of West Africa are related, with the latter two having their origin in the former. Testimony of Classical Greek and Roman Authors Virtually all of the early Latin eyewitnesses described the Ancient Egyptians as Black skinned with wooly hair. Ancient Egyptians were indeed Black Africans. Archaeologists have discovered, by examining their cranial structure, that they were a mixture of what we would today consider Black and Arab. Now their was some whites in Egypt but, , this was the result of thousands of years of foreign occupation. Which unfortunately is used to dispel facts regarding the original Afican Nubian Foundations of EGYPT COMPLETE Pharaoh ( notice the unmistaken African features Egypt aside, Africa has had many empires,songhay,mali timbuktu, was colonized by Europeans and had it's wealth and natural resources stolen repeatedly THIS IS THE BEST PICTURE THAT PROVES BLACK EGYPT How can you deny that ? ^^^ Medicine Mummification Masonry Gothic Architecture Ship Building Law Religion Culture Music Writting Fermentation of fruits and vegitables. Agriculture Art....and the list goes on and on! The roots of "Western" civilization, culture, science, technology and religion are to be found not in Greece, but in Black Egypt and Nubia-Kush. From as early as 10,000 B.C. to 1500 A.D., Blacks were in the forefront in the development of science, culture and technology. Black empires and civilizations from the prehistoric Zingh Empire of 15,000 B.C. of Mauritania to ancient Khemet (Egypt) and Nubia-Kush, which existed about 17,000 years ago, experimented in various aspects of science and technology. Some of these sciences and technologies were so advanced that stories of flying machines and the invention of advanced machines has been passed down through ancient writings. Later Black civilizations such as Khemet and Mali experimented and created various sciences and technologies such as the chemical and mystery sciences of ancient Khemet and the surgical sciences of Mali, in West Africa. As early as about 400 B.C., a Black Pharaoh named Pi Di Amen built a model glider to conduct experiments in flight. Centuries before, the Black Egyptians had already invented gunpowder for use in their temples and mystery schools. The mathematical and astronomical sciences necessary for high technologies such as those used in space technology and industries were first began by Blacks in Khem (Egypt) and Kush (Sudan). These sciences and high technologies were then passed on to the Sumerians, Babylonians, Elamites (all originally Black civilization), Greeks, Hebrews, Romans and Arabs In fact, it was the Black Sabeans of South Arabia, members of the Kushitic branch of the Black African race who established the first civilization in the Arabian Peninsula...thousands of years before the emergence of the Bedouin Arabs Black medicinal sciences began in Khemet (ancient Black Egypt) and led to later Greek medicinal sciences. These ancient African sciences were copied by the Greeks and others from the ancient Papyrus texts composed by the ancient Khemites and Nubians. From about 711 A.D. when the Moors, a Black people from Senegal, West Africa and Morocco, invaded Europe. They introduced Black Moorish science, technology, civilization and education to Europe and raised the Europeans from the Dark Ages of about 400 A.D. to 711 A.D. The Black Moors introduced advanced learning to Spain, similar to what had been taking place in Ghana, and at the university city of Jenne in Mali for hundreds of years. They introduced advanced learning to the cities of Toledo, Seville and Cordoba. These cities became centers of Black Moorish and European scholarship, science and culture, where Europeans and others learned new and advanced sciences, arts and technologies. That led to the European Renaissance of later years. The Black Moors introduced art, architecture, sciences, medicines, animal hu

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