Sunday, December 21, 2008

Open Question: I'm a loser looking for a girlfriend...?

Okay, so I've been looking lately for a gf irl. I have a few girlfriends on World of Warcraft, but I can't get enough exp for a gf irl. I play WoW all day almost every day and I really think I'm kind of nerdy. I am really jealous of the gangster kids at my school and around my area because they always have a bunch of girls around them. I don't really talk to any girls at my school, and I'm kind of an outcast because I listen to classical music and write stories about mythical creatures. How do I dress to impress girls. Right now, I have big thick black glasses that I think make me feel sexy. I weigh about 210 lbs and I have a best friend named lazireth8736 that I met last month who has recently joined my guild. He is someone who I can trust completely. I enjoy going to Star Trek conventions and meeting William Shatner or other star trek junkies such as myself. I really want to land a date with a girl at my school, but they really don't even glance at me. I wouldn't care who they were or what they looked like, I just want to be considered a cool kid because I took a girl to a movie. I'm so jealous of the kids at school that have kissed or held hands with a girl, I just want to be loved like them. (I am literally almost in tears because of thinking about this) I really just want some help and information on how to change or hang out with a girl. It would mean more to me than anything and I could really use some advice. Thank you all so much and I'm looking forward to your information. bai. I also don't like black girls. They always seem so bitchy and get on my nerves. It's not funny. Try to live your life in my shoes. You don't understand what it's like to be a loser and unaccepted. I would give up WoW to treat a girl like a princess. well, black girls always make fun of me for being a loser and I just haven't met a nice one. I'm not racist, I just don't fit in with a lot of different groups. I am in the chess club at my school though. Image Hosted by
This is I attractive? I'm very insecure about my weight so I lied. I only weigh about 125 lbs, so I lied to make myself sound bigger because I think that's small. This is a new link to my picture, since the first one didn't work. hopefully it works.

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