Sunday, November 9, 2008

Open Question: Tell Me what do you think?

On a hot summer day I was at home listening to music to entertain me and to keep me going and active.Im Bored there laying again the wall with my iPod and my notebook to write. I was looking around in my room and all of a sudden this song just caught my attention. Perfect is what the song is called. As I restart the song over again to listen to what exactly what they are saying.”I try hard to make it, I just want to make you proud”, so I was wonder why did he write about his dad not liking him for the way he is? Every person has a song made for them. When people listen to music you can have to have a favorite song to listen to or some type of music to keep you active and going, But not all people listen to music. You might have a MP3 or a Cd, ECT. Usually I like to have my pink iPod which hold all kinds of music and I always have to have it with me everywhere I go. I could not go anywhere without it. When I’m to music I always listen to some type of music which depends on what mood I’m in. Like if I was in a bad mood I would usually listen to rock or if I was in a good mood I would listen to r&b. When I’m at home and if don’t have nothing to do I will usually go outside and go for a walk if it’s a beautiful day out to get away from home and I like to look around me and see how things got the way they are now and while I look around I have my iPod with me so I won’t be board. While I’m listening to music I usually have this song that I always have to listen to when I go out. To me music releases all your stress away, but not a lot of people like music. The reason why I say that is because you’re not worried on what’s going on around you and you’re like in your own world. A lot of different people don’t listen to what they are listening to in music. If you really do listen to them they always say stupid things that don’t really make sense. Writers who write their own music just make stupid songs and get a lot of money for it. It doesn’t really make a lot of sense. To me every one should listen to music and listen to what the song is about and why you might think they wrote about that but, a lot of people don’t do that. That’s what I think about music. What do you think about when you listen to music? Classical music such as Opera and instrumental just isn’t my thing It’s really boring and it don’t really make me want to do something. Country, Hip Hop, Blues, ECT. They are all the same. They might not sound the same but they all are the same, they might have different recordings and all that type of stuff. Different people listen to different music. It doesn’t matter what raise they are. I can be Mexican but I don’t mean I listen to Spanish. You should start listening to all types of music because when you really listen to it, its really the same as the others.

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