Thursday, January 15, 2009

Resolved Question: guys, would you date...?

which possibility is more likely-1.or2.? I'm 14& haven't had a boyfriend. It doesn't bother me at all but i was talking to my cousin about it and we came up with two possibilities of me not having been 'asked out'. =] 1.I'm just unattractive. 2.The guys are just somehow intimidated. so ill write down basics about myself. I'm about5'2, Mexican, about a size 3 in juniors pants, 120lbs. brown eyes, really long eyelashes they're naturally curled, long really dark brown hair, full-ish lips, not too big on the 'breasts' ha. don't wear tons of makeup occasionally a bit of eyeliner and mascara nothing else. clear skin. that's the physical part. personality/brains wise- I'm in an advanced math class, can read at a college level, i have a pretty good sense of humor, i care about what people think of me but i don't freak out over it, i have a lot of friends but only like 3-5 of them are close friends, i can be really quiet or extremely loud depends on my mood. and i listen to others peoples i pretty much set trends too, if i start doing something, my friends and strangers at school start doing it. and i listen to rock, ska, and a bit of metal, I'm big on classical music, but i also listen to rap and hip hop. not that serious of a question by the way :] GAH, the first sentence, I'm not asking if you would date me but that's the most creative title i could come up with. just what do you think is the reason? 1 or 2? I'm totally fine with not having a boyfriend, pretty proud of it too =]

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